Creative Publications

Below are links to my recent creative publications.

My Creative Nonfiction short story “Dear Mike Piazza” was published in The Los Angeles Review in June 2020.

My Creative Nonfiction short story, “Our Lady of Refuge” was published in Emrys Journal in Spring 2020, won the Linda Julian Creative Nonfiction Award, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize as well as cited as a “Notable Essay of 2020.”

My Creative Nonfiction short story, “Rupture” was published in Not Your Mother’s Breastmilk in May 2019

My Creative Nonfiction short story, “The Lost Girls” was published in The Passed Note in June 2018.

My poem, “She is Survived By” (pg 58) was published in Vagabonds Magazine Volume 7 in 2018.

My prose poem, “Transfusion” won a flash fiction award at Plenitude Magazine in December 2017.

You can also find my work published in hard copies of The Northridge Review (2010 & 2011) and The Island Fox (2007 and 2008).