Invited Talks/Workshops

Texas Tech University TCR: Parlor, Invited Talk, “Conducting Adapted Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis: A Terms of Service & Community Guidelines Study,” February 15, 2024

Facilitator, Workshop “How to Publish Your Service-Learning Work,” Center for Community Engagement, CSUCI, Fall 2023

Faculty Inquiry Project: Grant Writing, Faculty Facilitator, Fall 2022

Faculty Inquiry Project: Online Course Review, Faculty Facilitator, Spring 2021

“Steps to Successful Online Group Work” Webinar with Megan Eberhardt-Alstot, CSU Channel Islands, Teaching & Learning Innovations, Thursday, November 12th, 2020

“Virtual Course Observation” Webinar with Megan Eberhardt-Alstot, CSU Channel Islands, Teaching & Learning Innovations, Tuesday, October 15th, 2020

“Asset-Based Ice Breakers.” with Lorna Gonzalez, CSU ITL Webcast Series on Student Engagement & Equity in the Classroom, Friday, August 24th, 2020. 

“Strategies for Stretch Composition: The Progressions,” presentation for Teaching Associates Class, CSUN, April, 2012

“Reading Inventories, Discussion Leaders, & Rhetorical Summaries: Building Students’ Confidence in Reading,” Workshop leader at the Stretch Composition Critical Reading Workshop, CSUN, April, 2012

“How to Use Supplemental Instruction Effectively,” presentation at the Stretch Composition Instructor Training, CSUN, February, 2012

“Effective Student Conferencing,” panel presentation to Teaching Associate’s class, CSUN, October, 2011

“Creating a Learning Environment in the Composition Classroom,” panel presentation to Teaching Associate’s class, CSUN, April, 2011